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What's New in Uplift Capture (December 2022)
What's New in Uplift Capture (December 2022)

We're pushing out multiple new updates to Uplift Capture; here's what to expect.

Written by Matthew Kowalski
Updated over 2 years ago

We're pushing out a significant update to the Uplift Capture platform this month! This article outlines the major features, changes, and improvements in this update.

Mobile App Updates

We've made significant improvements to the Uplift Capture mobile app, primarily focused around a better workflow, more camera setup guidance, and preparations for our upcoming Movement Assessments.

Device Pairing

Device pairing is now persistent between sessions: if you pair at the beginning of a capture session, the devices should stay paired even while you upload videos or when recording multiple athletes. Devices can be paired ahead of time from the Capture screen of the app - just tap the pairing icon in the upper right corner to pair a secondary device. Or, if you start a capture session, the app will ask you to pair a secondary device at that time.

We also recommend in most scenarios to use our new peer-to-peer device pairing mode. This mode connects the device directly to each other rather than through a wifi network. You can switch to peer-to-peer move by going to the Profile tab, tapping Settings, and toggling on the setting pictured below:

Please note that the initial pairing time for peer-to-peer mode will be slightly longer, but the pairing should be more reliable.

Workflow Updates

We've revamped the Capture workflow to be cleaner and more streamlined, especially when capturing multiple athletes back-to-back. This includes a Captures screen where you can choose to capture a Sports Performance movement (such as baseball pitching of a golf swing) or a Movement Assessment, which is a feature we're rolling out in a future update.
We're also moving session settings to the front of the workflow, so you'll now choose Athlete and Movement before the recording step. That way, if you'd like to set up a session prior to setting up the devices, you can. And when you create your next session, the selections you made before will auto-populate here, making it easier to capture multiple athletes for the same movement.

Camera Setup

This update takes much of the guesswork out of camera setup. After choosing your session settings, the app will now walk you through a series of steps to guide camera setup. Camera setup diagrams on each device will tell you where to place each camera for optimal accuracy. This step also features additional guides and tools for ensuring the athlete is properly in frame, and that the devices are level,

The camera position guides are specific to the movement you choose - so you'll get the right camera positions for a right-handed batter, or a left handed pitcher, for example.

Model Improvements

We've also made significant improvements to the underlying biomechanical model we use at Uplift. We'll soon be adding an Inverse Kinematics solver to our pipelines, which will ensure the length of each body part stays consistent throughout the motion trial (which therefore yields more accurate data). This update should roll out before the end of 2022, and will affect captures starting in 2023.

Data Exports

Finally, we've made significant updates to our raw data exports for each movement. These exports are now in a more ingestible CSV format for all of a capture's details, including all of the joint center and kinematic metric data, timestamps for each frame of the capture, and timestamps for movement-specific detected events (such as Foot Contact or Ball Release in pitching captures).

At Uplift, we strive to always make the capture experience more seamless and reliable, and the biomechanical analysis, data, and reporting more usable and understandable. We will continue to add new features and improvements to Uplift Capture over time, and will keep you updated as we do.

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